Packaging source code

Creating a Source Package

Before you create a package, you need to create an environment with an associated builder image:

$ fission env create --name pythonsrc --image fission/python-env:latest \
                     --builder fission/python-builder:latest \
                     --mincpu 40 --maxcpu 80 \
                     --minmemory 64 --maxmemory 128 \
                     --poolsize 2

environment 'pythonsrc' created

Let’s take a simple python function which has a dependency on the pyyaml module. We can specify the dependencies in requirements.txt and a simple command to build from source. The tree structure of directory and contents of the file would look like:

├── requirements.txt

And the file contents:

import sys
import yaml

document = """
  a: 1
    c: 3
    d: 4

def main():
    return yaml.dump(yaml.load(document))
  • requirements.txt
pip3 install -r ${SRC_PKG}/requirements.txt -t ${SRC_PKG} && cp -r ${SRC_PKG} ${DEPLOY_PKG}

Make sure the file is executable:

$ chmod +x

Now create an archive before creating the package:

$zip -jr sourcepkg/
  adding: (stored 0%)
  adding: (deflated 24%)
  adding: requirements.txt (stored 0%)
  adding: (deflated 25%)

Using the source archive created in previous step, you can create a package in Fission:

$ fission package create --sourcearchive --env pythonsrc --buildcmd "./"
Package 'demo-src-pkg-zip-8lwt' created

Since we are working with a source package, we provided the build command. Once you create the package, the build process will start and you can see the build logs with the fission package info command:

$ fission pkg info --name demo-src-pkg-zip-8lwt

Name:        demo-src-pkg-zip-8lwt
Environment: pythonsrc
Status:      succeeded
Build Logs:
Collecting pyyaml (from -r /packages/demo-src-pkg-zip-8lwt-v57qil/requirements.txt (line 1))
  Using cached PyYAML-3.12.tar.gz
Installing collected packages: pyyaml
  Running install for pyyaml: started
    Running install for pyyaml: finished with status 'done'
Successfully installed pyyaml-3.12

Using the package above you can create the function. Since package already is associated with a source package, environment and build command, these will be ignored when creating a function.

The only additional thing you’ll need to provide is the Function’s entrypoint:

$ fission fn create --name srcpy --pkg demo-src-pkg-zip-8lwt --entrypoint "user.main"

function 'srcpy' created

# Run the function:
$ fission fn test --name srcpy
a: 1
b: {c: 3, d: 4}

Creating a Deployment Package

Before you create a package you need to create an environment with the builder image:

$ fission env create --name pythondeploy --image fission/python-env:latest \
                     --builder fission/python-builder:latest \
                     --mincpu 40 --maxcpu 80 \
                     --minmemory 64 --maxmemory 128 \
                     --poolsize 2

environment 'pythondeploy' created

We will use a simple Python example which outputs “Hello World!” in a directory to create a deployment archive:

$ cat testDir/

def main():
    return "Hello, world!"

$ zip -jr testDir/

Using the archive and environments created previously, you can create a package:

$ fission package create --deployarchive --env pythondeploy

Package 'demo-deploy-pkg-zip-whzl' created

Since it is a deployment archive, there is no need to build it, so the build logs for the package will be empty:

$ fission package info --name demo-deploy-pkg-zip-whzl

Name:        demo-deploy-pkg-zip-xlaw
Environment: pythondeploy2
Status:      succeeded
Build Logs:

Finally you can create a function with the package and test the function:

$ fission fn create --name deploypy --pkg demo-deploy-pkg-zip-whzl --entrypoint "hello.main"

$ fission fn test --name deploypy

Hello, world!

While these examples illustrate how to use packages, you don’t have to use them every time you need to build your source code. A better way is to use Specifications.