Fission Metrics Reference

Fission Metrics - List of Prometheus metrics in Fission
To access these metrics, you’ll need to install Fission 1.16 or higher.
To access fission_mqt_inprocess and fission_mqt_status metrics, you’ll need to install Fission 1.20.3 or higher.
Metric NameComponentLabelsDescription
http_requests_totalGeneralpath, method, codeNumber of requests by path, method and status code
http_requests_duration_secondsGeneralpath, methodTime taken to serve the request by path and method
http_requests_in_flightGeneralpath, methodNumber of requests currently being served by path and method
fission_function_cold_starts_totalExecutorfunction_name, function_namespaceHow many cold starts are made by function_name, function_namespace
fission_function_running_secondsExecutorfunction_name, function_namespaceThe running time (last access - create) in seconds of the function
fission_function_cold_start_errors_totalExecutorfunction_name, function_namespaceCount of Fission cold start errors
fission_function_calls_totalRouterfunction_namespace, function_name, path, method, codeCount of Fission function calls
fission_function_errors_totalRouterfunction_namespace, function_name, path, method, codeCount of Fission function errors
fission_function_overhead_secondsRouterfunction_namespace, function_name, path, method, codeThe function call delay caused by Fission.
fission_archives_totalStorageSvcNilNumber of archives stored
fission_archive_memory_bytesStorageSvcNilAmount of memory consumed by archives
fission_mqt_subscriptionsMqTriggerNilTotal number of subscriptions to mq currently
fission_mqt_messages_processed_totalMqTriggertrigger_name, trigger_namespaceTotal number of messages processed by trigger
fission_mqt_message_lagMqTriggertrigger_name, trigger_namespace, topic, partitionTotal number of messages lag per topic and partition
fission_mqt_inprocessMqTriggerNilTotal number of MQTs in active processing
fission_mqt_statusMqTriggertrigger_name, trigger_namespaceStatus of an individual trigger 1 if processing otherwise 0
Last modified August 30, 2024: New metrcis for MQT (#264) (e4cfc49)