Accessing URL parameters

To develop an application consists with REST APIs, we may want to access URL parameters in functions.

For example, a REST API with URL parameters like following{name}/{age}

You can put parameter placeholders in value of --url flag. Since fission uses gorilla/mux as underlying URL router, you can also write regular expression to filter out illegal API requests.

$ fission httptrigger create --method GET \ --url "/guestbook/{name}/{age}" --function restapi-get $ fission httptrigger create --method GET \ --url "/guestbook/{name}/{age:[0-9]+}" --function restapi-get

Next step is to access the value of URL parameters.

Due to some internal mechanism, the value of URL parameters will be attached to the HTTP request header like following.

Accept-Encoding: gzip Host: Connection: close Accept: */* User-Agent: curl/7.54.0 Content-Length: 15 Content-Type: application/json X-Forwarded-For: X-Fission-Function-Uid: 82c95606-9afa-11e8-bbd1-08002720b796 X-Fission-Function-Resourceversion: 480652 X-Fission-Function-Name: reqpayload X-Fission-Function-Namespace: default X-Fission-Params-Name: Alice X-Fission-Params-Age: 23

The header with key prefix X-Fission-Params- are the actual fields contain value of URL parameters we want to access to.

One thing worth to notice is in some language like Go the header key will be displayed as MIME canonical format. For example:

url: /guestbook/{name} header key: X-Fission-Params-Name url: /guestbook/{FooBar} header key: X-Fission-Params-Foobar

You have to check the letter case of header key and do conversion if necessary in order to get the right parameter value.

(In Go, you can call request.Header.Get() to get the header value without worrying about the key cases.)